Trauma Training in Scotland
Treatment of Complex Trauma

pierre_janet2Trauma therapy since the time of Pierre Janet (who published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries) has been in three stages: safety and stabilization; (re)processing of trauma memories; personal integration. To focus only on stage 1 is not trauma therapy. To go too rapidly to stage 2 can increase dysregulation and the associated dysfunctional behaviours. Trauma therapy needs to be multi-modal and adaptable. Sometimes people venture briefly into stage 2, return to stage 1 with more awareness of what is needed before returning to stage 2, and so on. Commitment to safety and to the pursuit of health allows creativity and adaptability for what is often a long-term treatment. Frequently people feel more distressed initially as they connect, with more awareness, with the origins of their distress. It is important that it is appreciated that this is part of the healing process and that techniques are available to the client/patient for regulating the pain.


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